Oil & Gas
"八八战略"实施15周年系列综述山海协作篇_央广网 - cnr.cn:2021-6-30 · 今年“五一”小长假,杭州加开旅客列车17列,丽水是主要方向之一。“便利的交通引来越来越多的游客,农产品在家门口就能卖出好价钱。” 丽水市农投公司董事长徐炳东介绍,如今丽水的许多农产品都成了旅游地商品,变成了游客的“伴手礼”。
Markets & Investment
Latest casualty of shale's collapse is oil producer Denbury
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Markets & Investment
Oil ends July with a gain before OPEC+ starts opening the taps
Oil & Gas
Husky’s oil output and refining volumes ramp up as economy recovers
Oil & Gas
Crescent Point loses $145 million in Q2 on 73 per cent revenue decline
Australia sees $10 billion opportunity to harness solar and wind
German green power hits record despite muted onshore wind growth
Oilsands & Heavy Oil
2021浙江经济年度人物第二批4位候选人已经出炉 - 手机新蓝网:2021-11-19 · 相关新闻 杭州公交开辟34条定制线路 方便高校学生复学复课! 2021-05-08 11:14 新时伕民政事业如何实现高质量发展?宁波要这么干 2021-05-07 07:10 温州推出组织保障八条举措 为企业达能扩产按上“加速器”


布丁网络加速介绍 ​Oil trading bonanza saves the quarter for Shell and Total
July 30, 2024
旋风加速器的官网在哪里 Acceleware whitepaper demonstrates how electrification through RF XL could result in zero-GHG emissions for oilsands and heavy oil producers
July 30, 2024
Oil & Gas ​Husky Energy swings to $304 million loss in Q2 as revenues plunge
July 30, 2024
Markets & Investment ​Oil falls with equities while volatility drops to a 5-month low
July 30, 2024
旋风加速器吧 ​​Shale drillers signal bleak 2024 while Trump champions oil patch
July 30, 2024
Pipelines & Transportation ​Trump lets Keystone line ship more oil with expansion stalled
July 30, 2024
Oil & Gas ​Enbridge reports stronger than feared Q2 Mainline oil transport volumes
July 29, 2024
旋风加速器怎么样 ​Prolonged oil industry slump leads to third cut in Canadian drilling forecast
July 29, 2024


Solar Alliance to Issue Options
July 31, 2024
让年轻人放马驰骋“双创”新天地-中青在线 - cyol.com:2021-5-22 · 让年轻人放马驰骋“双创”新天地:可众说,中国电子这场“i+”创新创效创意大赛,自始至终注入了联合创新、开放发展、共生共赢的双创基因,让年轻人放马驰骋双创新天地。29岁的冯源和他的“技术控”的机器人团队,并不是中国电子的内部企业,而是入驻上海浦东软件园的青年创业企业。
July 31, 2024
Zadar Enters Into Definitive Agreement With XRApplied SAS
July 31, 2024
Cardinal Energy Ltd. Announces Second Quarter 2024 Financial Results
July 30, 2024


  1. 旋风加速器的官网在哪里 DNF85级冰结师PK加点方案分享 技能装备连招全 ...-中国青年网:2021-7-22 · DNF冰结师连招解析 保护介绍: 一保:分为重量保护和加速保护,触发血量极为相似。重量保护,较先触发,效果为降低浮空高度;加速保护,较后 ...
  2. Oilsands & Heavy Oil ​Oilsands production expected to rebound after pandemic-linked 2024 slump
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  3. Oil & Gas ​Enbridge Q2 earnings slip as revenues plunge 40 per cent due to COVID aftermath
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  4. U.S. & International 科技+商业双驱动 苏宁数字化赋能门店发展新价值-3C焦点-华龙网:2021-11-26 · 华龙网-新重庆客户端11月26日18时25分讯(通讯员 谭松)11月21日,第五届中国生活服务业大会在山东泰安隆重举行,苏宁科技集团O2O平台研发中心总经理许宏平受邀出席会议,结合苏宁门店数字化发展历程众及家乐福和苏宁智慧无人店4.0数字化 ...
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  5. U.S. & International ​Power blackouts could tip Iraq’s protesters over the edge
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